tnusrb pc constable exam date 2022
C.No.R2/2666/2022 Dated:05.09.2022
Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board,
Egmore, Chennai-8.
TNUSRB Common Recruitment for 3552 posts (Gr.ll Police:
Constables, Grill Jail Warders and Firemen) for the year 2022
Conducting of Main written examination and Tamil Language
Eligibility Test on 20.11.2022 at 32 centres – Request to identify
suitable venues-Reg.
Notification 30.06.2022.
or Common Recruitment2022 published on
Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board has published notification in the dailies on 30.06.2022 for Common Recruitment for 3552 posts (Grill Police Constables, Grill Jail Warders and Firemen) for the year 2022. In this connection, the Board has decided to conduct the Main written examination and Tamil Language Eligibility Test tentatively on 20.11.2022 at 1000 to 1230 hrs at 32 centres.
2) The Commissioners of Police and the Superintendents of Police concerned are requested to constitute “Venue Identification Teams headed by Officers in the rank of ADSP/ADC for identification of venues as per the guidelines. It is informed that suitable closed venues preferably schools/ colleges with adequate number of tables and chairs in the Districts/Cities have to be identified with a maximum three or four venues at each Centre. The guidelines for identification of venues are enclosed along with model seating arrangement in Annexure-II & III.
3) The exercise of identification of venues should be conducted with utmost care and thoroughness. The details of approximate number of candidates for the centres are furnished in Annexure-I. However, the exact number of candidates for the examinations will be intimated later.