Check TN Police Results 2022 for Police Constable Exam on TNUSRB PC Exam Expected Cut-Off Score, Result Announcement Date.
Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board (TNUSRB) conducted the main exam for the Police Constable Posts. The examination is conducted on 27 November at 100s of examination centres across the state arranged by the Board. It is said that more than 05 lakh candidates have participated in the TNUSRB PC Exam.
This exam is conducted for various posts i.e. Police Constable, Jail Warder and fireman. A total no. of 6140 posts were advertised in this recruitment. The candidates who get declared qualified in the written test will participate in the physical test.
Since the examination has been concluded, the participants are keen to know the expected cut-off score for the qualification and date for the TNUSRB PC Exam Result.
tnusrb pc overall cut off marks 2022″

tnusrb pc overall cut off marks 2022″
Examination Type | Recruitment Exam |
Post Name | Police Constable |
Exam Authority | TNUSRB |
State Concerned | Tamil Nadu |
Article Category | Results |
TN Police SI Result Date | To be Announced – Check Here |
Official Website | |
The results of the PC exam will be released in the upcoming days by the TNUSRB. Before declaring the results and releasing a list of the qualified candidates, the board will furnish a few activities in due time.
Before preparing and releasing the TNUSRB PC Results, the board will release the answer key and invite the candidates to participate in the objection submission process. A final answer key is after the revision of the objections. The answer sheets of the candidates are prepared based on the final answer key and then a list of qualified candidates is prepared.
The candidates should be aware that only the candidates whose names are on the list will participate in the physical test. Candidates scoring the cut-off marks will be called up for the PET/PET.
TNUSRB PC Cut-Off Marks 2022
There could be thousands of candidates who have never taken a competitive test before, TNUSRB PC Cut-Off Score method may be unfamiliar to them.
To help the candidates we are explaining the cut-off score system here. If an applicant fails to meet the cut-off, he or she is not eligible for further consideration in the recruiting process. To qualify, an applicant must score certain marks in the exam.
The expected Cut Off Score for the TNUSRB PC Exam is listed below.
GT | 54 | 46 |
BC | 54 | 46 |
BCM | 47 | 28 |
MBC / DNC | 54 | 46 |
SC | 54 | 46 |
SCA | 53 | 46 |
ST | 53 | 44 |
Destitute Widow | – | 28 |
Ex-servicemen | 28 | 28 |
Sports | 28 | 28 |
How to Check TNUSRB PC Exam Result 2022?
To check the TN PC Results, we have added the official link and a special guide for our readers.
- First of all, visit the website
- On the right sidebar, see the PC Recruitment Section.
- There you will see a link to check Marks for the written exam.
- Click the same link and enter your registration details.
- Your marks along with the qualification status will be displayed on the screen.
Official Website –