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DGDE Recruitment 2021 – Opening for 97 Divisional Officer Post | Apply Now

Directorate General Defence Estates Recruitment has recently a job notification for the post of Sub Divisional Officer-II that has been released officially. Applying Candidates read the official notification. Interested candidates can apply online at the Official website on or before 15 Jan 2021. The detailed eligibility and application process are given below. Organization: Directorate General Defence Estates Type of Employment: Central Govt Jobs No.of Vacancies: 97 Job Location: All Over India Post Name: Sub Divisional Officer-II Official Website: Applying Mode: Offline Last Date: 15.01.2022 DGDE Details of Vacancies 2021: Junior Hindi...


Air India Recruitment 2021 – Opening for 40 Supervisor Security posts | Apply Now

Alliance Air Aviation Limited has recently job notification for the post of Supervisor Security has been released officially. Applying Candidates read the official notification. Interested candidates can apply online at the Official website on or before 16 Dec 2021. The detailed eligibility and application process are given below. Organization: Alliance Air Aviation Limited Type of Employment: Central Govt Jobs No.of Vacancies: 40 Job Location:  All over India Post Name: Supervisor Security Official Website: Applying Mode: Walk-In Last Date: 15.12.2021 to 16.12.2021 Air India DETAILS OF VACANCIES 2021: Supervisor Security Educational Qualification: Candidates must...


Tamil Nadu DHS Recruitment 2021 – Opening for 2,000 MLHP Posts | Apply Now

Tamil Nadu District Health Society has recently job notification for the post of Multipurpose Health Worker has been released officially. Applying Candidates read the official notification. Interested candidates can apply online at the Official website on or before 15 Dec 2021. The detailed eligibility and application process are given below. Organization: Tamil Nadu District Health Society Type of Employment: TN Govt Jobs No.of Vacancies: 2,000 Job Location:  Tamil Nadu Post Name: Multipurpose Health Worker Official Website: Applying Mode: Offline Last Date: 15.12.2021 Tamilnadu DHS Details of Vacancies: Multipurpose Health Worker (MPHW)...


BRO Recruitment 2021 – Opening for 354 Driver Mechanic Posts | Apply Now

Border Roads Organisation has recently a job notification for the post of Driver Mechanic that has been released officially. Applying Candidates read the official notification. Interested candidates can apply online at the Official website on or before 03 July 2021. The detailed eligibility and application process are given below.BRO Recruitment 2021 Organization: Border Roads Organisation Type of Employment: Central Govt Jobs No.of Vacancies: 354 Job Location: All Over India Post Name: Driver Mechanic Official Website: Applying Mode: Offline Last Date: ASAP BRO DETAILS OF VACANCIES 2021: Vehicle Mechanic Multi Skilled Worker Driver...


TNPSC Annual Planner 2022|TNPSC Exam Dates 2022-2023

TNPSC Annual Planner 2022|TNPSC Exam Dates 2022-2023: The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) had released various notifications for the recruitment of various jobs for every year. This year also TNPSC planning to conduct examinations for the tnpsc annualplanner recruitment of various departments. The candidates interested to join in government jobs in Tamil Nadu can apply for the TNPSC Recruitment 2022-23. The details of TNPSC Notification Eligibility details, selection & TNPSC Exam Schedule 2022 intimate in our web portal for the reference of the applicants. The officials planning to...


TNPSC Annual Planner 2022

TNPSC Annual Planner 2022|TNPSC Exam Dates 2022-2023: The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) had released various notifications for the recruitment of various jobs for every year. This year also TNPSC planning to conduct examinations for the tnpsc annualplanner recruitment of various departments. The candidates interested to join in government jobs in Tamil Nadu can apply for the TNPSC Recruitment 2022-23. The details of TNPSC Notification Eligibility details, selection & TNPSC Exam Schedule 2022 intimate in our web portal for the reference of the applicants. The officials planning to...


TNPSC Annual Planner 2022|TNPSC Exam Dates 2022-2023:

TNPSC Annual Planner 2022|TNPSC Exam Dates 2022-2023: The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) had released various notifications for the recruitment of various jobs for every year. This year also TNPSC planning to conduct examinations for the tnpsc annualplanner recruitment of various departments. The candidates interested to join in government jobs in Tamil Nadu can apply for the TNPSC Recruitment 2022-23. The details of TNPSC Notification Eligibility details, selection & TNPSC Exam Schedule 2022 intimate in our web portal for the reference of the applicants. The officials planning to...


TNPSC Annual Planner 2022|TNPSC Exam Dates 2022-2023

TNPSC Annual Planner 2022|TNPSC Exam Dates 2022-2023: The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) had released various notifications for the recruitment of various jobs for every year. This year also TNPSC planning to conduct examinations for the tnpsc annualplanner recruitment of various departments. The candidates interested to join in government jobs in Tamil Nadu can apply for the TNPSC Recruitment 2022-23. The details of TNPSC Notification Eligibility details, selection & TNPSC Exam Schedule 2022 intimate in our web portal for the reference of the applicants. The officials planning to...


TNPSC Annual Planner 2022|TNPSC Exam Dates 2022-2023

TNPSC Annual Planner 2022|TNPSC Exam Dates 2022-2023: The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) had released various notifications for the recruitment of various jobs for every year. This year also TNPSC planning to conduct examinations for the tnpsc annualplanner recruitment of various departments. The candidates interested to join in government jobs in Tamil Nadu can apply for the TNPSC Recruitment 2022-23. The details of TNPSC Notification Eligibility details, selection & TNPSC Exam Schedule 2022 intimate in our web portal for the reference of the applicants. The officials planning to...


TNPSC Annual Planner 2022|TNPSC Exam Dates 2022-2023:

TNPSC Annual Planner 2022|TNPSC Exam Dates 2022-2023: The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) had released various notifications for the recruitment of various jobs for every year. This year also TNPSC planning to conduct examinations for the recruitment of various departments. The candidates interested to join in government jobs in Tamil Nadu can apply for the TNPSC Recruitment 2022-23. The details of TNPSC Notification Eligibility details, selection & TNPSC Exam Schedule 2022 intimate in our web portal for the reference of the applicants. The officials planning to release the TNPSC Annual...